Menstrual Cycle Health
So many of my clients start their Root Care journey with these words: “I’m sick of feeling like shit.” Sound familiar?
You’re in the right place if
You have PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), amenorrhea, PMS, or PMDD
You have a menstrual cycle that makes you miserable
You think hormone imbalances could be causing fatigue, weight gain, mood disorder, acne, painful or strange periods
You’re tired of trying all the wellness trends and not getting results
You know that taking good care of your health will help you live the life that you want
Root Care 1:1 Menstrual Cycle Health Coaching
What you can expect
Get clarity around what’s happening with your hormones
Devise a plan to help you create a healing state for your body
Discover important insights into your condition based on East Asian medicine and integrative natural medicine
Learn about menstrual cycle awareness and how to best take care of your body in every stage of your cycle
Gain knowledge on supplements and botanicals to can support your endocrine function
Learn about nutrition and digestive system support including: balancing your blood sugar, increasing your micronutrients, improving your digestion and nutrient absorption, supporting your mitochondrial function, reducing inflammation, and how to eat to support healing
Learn to care for and support your nervous system for better stress resilience, better reproductive function, improved digestion, less inflammation, and less anxiety
Tap into your inner wisdom
Align yourself with your desires in life for better energy, motivation and health
Discover ways to improve your self-love and self-compassion
Get help advocating for yourself with your doctors to get the care you deserve
Learn supportive at-home therapies like body gua sha, acupressure, Arvigo© self-massage, castor oil packs, and v-steaming (as needed)
Improve your fertility naturally
Perhaps most importantly, you will have someone to talk to who knows what you’re going through and is here to listen and support you on your journey
During our initial meeting I felt incredibly heard and was able to discuss concerns my doctors have always brushed off or I’ve been made to believe by society to be “normal” or just part of being a person with a uterus. Rachel’s care plan was very thorough and I felt supported with every step. I was pretty shocked that after I implemented the care plan, my exhaustion, mood swings, and painful cramps went away. Rachel is an incredibly attentive and calming person that has completely changed the way I view and understand hormones.”
Bridget C.
The focus of my work is the health concerns of people born with uteruses and ovaries and both female and male infertility. The coaching program is appropriate for all people who want help with their hormones and health concerns, no matter how you identify, and regardless of whether you currently have a uterus, ovaries, or a menstrual cycle. I use the term “women’s health” for simplicity, but I acknowledge that not all people with ovaries identify as female.